Next: 4.1 Integrate-and-fire model
Up: I. Single Neuron Models
Previous: 3.4 Summary
4. Formal Spiking Neuron Models
Detailed conductance-based neuron models can reproduce electrophysiological
measurements to a high degree of accuracy, but because of their intrinsic
complexity these models are difficult to analyze. For this reason, simple
phenomenological spiking neuron models are highly popular for studies of
neural coding, memory, and network dynamics. In this chapter we discuss
formal threshold models of neuronal firing. Spikes are generated whenever the
membrane potential u crosses some threshold
from below. The
moment of threshold crossing defines the firing time t(f),
t(f) : u(t(f)) = and   > 0 . |
(4.1) |
Since spikes are stereotyped events they are fully characterized by their
firing time. We focus on models that are based on a single variable
u. Some well-known instances of spiking neuron models differ in the
specific way the dynamics of the variable u is defined. We start our
discussion with the integrate-and-fire neuron (Section 4.1) and turn
then to the Spike Response Model (Section 4.2). In
Section 4.3 we illustrate the relation of spiking
neuron models to conductance-based models.
Section 4.4 outlines an analytical approach for a
study of integrate-and-fire neurons with passive dendrites. As a first
application of spiking neuron models we reconsider in
Section 4.5 the problem of neuronal coding. The spiking
neuron models introduced in this chapter form the basis for the analysis of
network dynamics and learning in the following chapters.
Next: 4.1 Integrate-and-fire model
Up: I. Single Neuron Models
Previous: 3.4 Summary
Gerstner and Kistler
Spiking Neuron Models. Single Neurons, Populations, Plasticity
Cambridge University Press, 2002
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